This week in science I have completed many things. For example we've been focusing on independent variables and dependent variables. Independent variables are variables you can change and dependent variables can be measured. We did a test with poppers. We tried to find things that varied from each popper. We set up a chart to keep track of the data. There were many independent and dependent variables from the small and big poppers. For example, the big poppers pop higher than the smaller poppers(this is an dependent variable). This week we've also did research on a plant called "Brassica Rapa". We setup a chart of facts we learned about the plant and what we were wondering about it. The last thing we did this week was what affects would it have on our seeds if we changed the variables. So we actually did change the variables and are awaiting for the results.
This week in science i've learned some interesting things. For example I have learned the difference between a independent and dependent variable(definition in first paragraph). I've also learned about the "Brassica Rapa". The "Brassica Rapa" is most commonly known as a turnip. The turnip has one of the most adapted roots. It also is a dicot, and is a mustard plant. The turnip is edible and that is what i've learned today.
This picture shows the Brassica Rapa A.K.A the turnip. |